"....(He will) gently lead those who are with young." Isaiah 40:11b

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Joy around the home- Day 1

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This week's very creative devotions are brought to you by Contributing Writer, Kendra D.

You can download the full week here: Download Joy Around the Home

Hourglass 2


Recently, I found myself getting grumpy and out of sorts over mundane tasks. and chores around my home.

I was wiping a very sticky table down for the 147th time that day. Well, maybe the 5th time, but who's counting...

In the midst of my grumpiness, I realized the history of that table was something that should bring me joy.

My husband and I bought that table in the early years of our marriage. I wanted a small 4 seater. He wanted a 6 seater. His reason was, "One day we are going to fill those chairs."

I laughed at him.

A few years later, I was told we would never conceive children "on our own". That table became a sore spot for me. I prayed to fill just one more seat at the table. I begged, cried, and eventually bent to God's will. I thought the table would seat 2 forever.

13 years (and 4 children) after we bought that table, it had become a sore spot because it was always a mess. It was full, overflowing to be precise, and it was always sticky, chunky, and a plain ol' disaster.

Then, I realized that table should be a source of praise for me. Each time I clean the sticky chunks off of the table, I need to offer praises and thanks for two things: 1- the children that make the sticky mess and 2- the food that the children use to make that sticky mess.

It humbled me to address my grumbling spirit and put it to rights.

I found these verses:

2 Kings 25:28-30 (NIV)

He spoke kindly to him and gave him a seat of honor higher than those of the other kings who were with him in Babylon. 29So Jehoiachin put aside his prison clothes and for the rest of his life ate regularly at the king's table. 30Day by day the king gave Jehoiachin a regular allowance as long as he lived.

Now, I am not in prison, but I was treating my table as if it were a punishment. I want to be like Jehoiachin and put aside my grumbling. I am eating a table provided by, and filled to overflowing by THE KING. For that, I am going to choose to be thankful. My "allowance" is the joy that God has given my heart, should I choose to accept thankfulness over grumpiness...

...even when I have to figure out how to wipe crayon, glue, syrup, and dried rice off of the top of the table!!

Is there a spot in your home that brings you grief?

Please join me this week as I travel around the home, trying to find Joy in the items/places I see each and every mundane day.

PS -That is NOT my table...but it is pretty!

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