"....(He will) gently lead those who are with young." Isaiah 40:11b

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Big Announcement!

Hello friends, fellow bloggers, and blog lurkers!  I'm excited to give you a sneak peak at something God is doing...well, there isn't really anything to peak at yet - except a plan.

Many of you know that I began to write a book about seven years ago. It is a non-fiction book for moms about a plan God gave me for spending time with him as a mom, when traditional methods just didn't work any more.

In 2007, I submitted it to MOPS, International, as it seemed the most logical fit for a publisher. But they weren't interested in a book on my topic at the time. After that, life got really hard, and I honestly just didn't know what to do with my book anymore. I'm glad, because since that time God has re-written it about four times. He has deepened the message and given me so much new information.

This year, my manuscript was a finalist in the Women of Faith writing contest (in the top 30 of about 700 entries).  Even though I didn't win, I was so encouraged and revived in my passion about this topic.

Still, though, I've felt a little lost about how to get it to moms. The experts all say that you need to build your own platform and market yourself...which feels virtually impossible while working full time and raising a family.

I recently listened to an amazing interview between Michael Hyatt and Seth Godin. Michael asked Seth what his number one advice would be to aspiring authors, and Seth said, "Give your first book away." At first that punched me in the gut. After all it is a huge chunk of my life...and I'd be lying to say that I hadn't always hoped it would produce enough income for me to enter the writing world full time and fully focused.  However, as I listened to Seth explain the changes in the publishing world, his message really began to resonate inside me.

I've said over and over, "This is God's book." Yes, I'd like to write more full time. But when I remove the piece about needing to make any money off this project, I feel a huge release. I've been so frustrated because I know moms need the information that is sitting on my shelf, and I've been lost as to how to get it to them.

SO...here we go!  I'm in the process of editing again to make sure it is really, really ready (since I don't have a professional editor sitting at a publishing company doing it for me). I will then be taking the steps to put the book in e-book and PDF form as a free download until God says otherwise.

It will first be released by another website as their exclusive offering, then offered on its own website shortly after. The launching will begin in about 6-8 weeks.

In the meantime, I'm putting a shout out there to those of you who can pray and help. I have some huge needs that I'm asking God to provide for here. I have no budget at all to do all of this. I'm already giving it away, and already working full time to pay necessary family expenses. God has blessed me in my job the last several years to turn me into a fairly tech-savvy girl who can pretty much build the site and make an e-book...but there are things that I can't do. Maybe you can? or know someone who would want to be a part of this?  I need either donated help or donations to hire help. :)

  1. Graphic artist/web designer - I have Adobe PSE9 and limited skills using it. I *can* get by, but I need input. I'm not an artist. I have some ideas in mind but it is quite a bit beyond me.
  2. Photography - I'm also decent in this department...but not at taking pictures of myself. lol. I could use some professional shots.
  3. Digital video camera - I just need one. I have a very talented, skilled son at taping and editing, but we don't have any equipment. I will start with my webcam as necessary, but I'm asking God for something more versatile. 
  4. Blog Link ups - I would love to have a massive blog release on the day the book goes live on its own site. If you have a blog and would like to be a part of helping me launch the book on the day it releases, would you fill out this form?
  5. Social Media Following - The more followers, the merrier when it comes to getting the word out there. You can follow my author page on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, and follow me here to get the latest news! 
Thank you so much for praying, encouraging, helping, and cheering this project on!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bible Reading with Kids

NIV Daily Bible: In Chronological Order Softcover  -     
        By: F. LaGard Smith
As I write this, my kids are now 14, 11, 9, and 7. Would you believe that I still have a hard time finding alone time with God? Sometimes it seams that the older they get, the more they need me. 

Sorry. Don't mean to scare any of you!

I'm finding myself using an old method of Bible study once again....having my time in the word WITH my kids. My main man is working nights right now. So after I get everyone herded through the shower, we snuggle up on the couch with my Daily Bible. We don't have any timeline. We just read a little until it is time for bed, or I've lost their attention. Surprisingly, they have been pretty spellbound. After all, it is the greatest story ever written!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Taking Care of Yourself

I just read a great testimony from another mom today on why we should take care of ourselves.  It is really worth a read!

Self-Care by Shannon, on Chosen Families

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pursue Women's Conference

On Saturday, January 22, Jill Krause and I will be co-leading a workshop at the Pursue Women's Conference at Real Life Ministries in Post Falls. Our workshop will be entitled, "The Spiritually Plugged-In Parent."

We will be helping you make a plan to stay connected to Christ in all seasons of motherhood.

If you're local, we'd love to have you!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Oswald Chambers - for Moms!

Christian women: Kelly HarbaughI'm so excited to tell you about a new opportunity for moms this year! Kelly from Tabitha's Team is walking moms through My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers this year. 

You can't hardly find a deeper source for a daily devotion than Oswald Chambers. So if you are looking for some good meat for your spiritual life this year, consider taking a look at what Kelly is offering and subscribing to the daily devotions.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas Aftermath

Like most of you, I've spent most of this week cleaning up after Christmas! Its like a puzzle. Cleaning out old things, finding places to put the new, rearranging furniture, washing countless piles of bedding and towels, taking down the tree.....you get the picture.

It got me to thinking....when you read the Christmas story, it ends with Mary and Joseph moving back to Nazareth with little Jesus, after they had fled to Egypt. Next verse: ..."when He was twelve years old...."

Now, I don't know about you, but as a mom, I'm thinking "You skipped ten years!!" Mary and Joseph have just gone through a whirlwind of angel encounters, visiting kings, blessings from prophets, endless travels, and running from the law. It seemed that everyone wanted to see her baby - either to worship him or kill him. Then suddenly...no information. The last mention is settling down. Period.

I wish Mary had written a book. :) Can you imagine what it was like to raise Jesus? Talk about pressure to do everything right. Mary had ten years of in the middle hear of potty training issues, laundry, cooking, and cleaning that we don't know anything about. It was Christmas aftermath, the mundane parts of life that had to be lived between the exciting parts.

But each day was a day with the Holy. Can you imagine? Oh, when I get to heaven, I can't wait to talk to Mary.

Our ministry to our children is holy. It is ordained by God. Most days don't look or feel holy at all....unless you are talking about holey socks or holey jeans. But each little day full of mundane is accomplishing the holy, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.

I'll be joining you today in the mundane! What is God showing you about the holiness of motherhood? I'd love to hear!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Just a little update....

God has been good to my spirit through a time of rest. I don't plan on putting this blog back in super motion, but I do feel a freedom from the Lord to post as God lays something on my heart or gives me a cool resource to pass on.

I was looking through some old blog posts on my personal blog, and found this one...thought it would be fun to share about this time of year. 

I'm excited to be able to help with a workshop this January on staying anchored to Christ in all seasons of Motherhood, with one of our pastor's wives, at our church's annual women's conference.

If you haven't looked up my new personal blog yet, I'd love to see you over there: Angela's Musings

(Originally posted in December 2007)
Does anyone remember Ally McBeal? I don't recommend the show for the content, but I loved its artistry. I am Ally McBeal, in a redeemed sort of way. Ha! Ha! I love the way she would picture the perfect scenario in her head and then the backward record zi-i-i-p sound would shake her back to reality and what was really happening.

This morning had a perfect beginning. My husband got up and showered, then woke me to let me know he had a fire ready for me in the fireplace. I got up and made a cup of hot, throat-soothing, green tea, helped my hubby pack up a plate of treats and write a card for his co-worker, moved the car seats, and then settled on the couch - in front of the fire- with my Bible- and my hot tea. Perfect!

But, alas, the treat tray shifted, a cookie broke. It all needed re-packed. In helping Bill with his rush to get out the door, the fire got out of control and filled the house with smoke. I rushed to open the door and fan the smoke out before the smoke alarm went off and woke all the children. Z-I-I-I-I-P!!! There went perfection. I plopped down on the couch in a smoke-filled room, with the door open to the 30 degree temperatures.

God was merciful to me this morning, and I was still able to spend some good time in the Word before the first little munchkin woke up. But the other scenario...kids up, smoke alarm going off, cold house, no quiet time...is the more typical event in the life of a mom whose heart is set on having time with God. The best plans and intentions often end up in frustration and shattered hopes. I think it is even harder on moms who work so hard to make time with God happen, and it is continually squashed. To make the sacrifice of getting up early to have that time, to have it slip from your hands like oil, often causes more anger than not having planned the time with God at all. Such is the point of my unpublished book.

So this is for all my weary mom friends: I was explaining to a friend this week who was hashing out with me her own feelings about the guilt that comes from not being in the Word like she wants to, and yet literally being almost physcially held back from the opportunity to do so. I was encouraging her, and I'd like to do it for you as well, to dwell on the Living Word. Jesus is the Word. He is the Living Word, the Word made flesh. God's Word is his breath, his thoughts, his council to us. But when the Living Word lives inside of you, He can breathe that same Word into you when you don't even have time to sit and read. Now, don't run away with this and think I'm someone who believes that whatever thought comes to your mind is from the Lord. But when your heart is seeking, when you are hungry and desperate to hear from Him, TELL HIM!! Ask Him questions. "Lord, I don't know how to handle this. What should I do?" "Lord, I'm torn to pieces about this, what do I do with my feelings?" "Lord, I'm angry right now, how do I be Christ to this person?!" God is spirit and we must worship Him in Spirit and truth. Don't be afraid to hear from Him through your Spirit. He is the Living Word, and He will answer Your questions. This isn't a substitute for being in God's Word. Because His Spirit will often help you recall Scripture you've learned before to answer your questions. If you are NEVER in the Word, there is nothing to recall. But, dwell on the Living Word.

Our pastor and worship team focused on John 1 this week in our Christmas services. I was once again soaked in these thoughts of the Living Word Who was in heaven with God and was God, Who had a hand in all of creation, Who became flesh to dwell among us, and breathes His Word into us. So for all of you who haven't been able to have a chance to curl up in front of the fire with your Bible yet today and are bouncing a fussy baby on your knee, take a minute to ask God to breathe into you - and then read this:

John 1 - Study This Chapter

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of men.

5 The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. 6 There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. 8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. 9 The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God-- 13 children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. 14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

15 John testifies concerning him. He cries out, saying, "This was he of whom I said, 'He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.'" 16 From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. 18 No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him known.

Soak it in!