"....(He will) gently lead those who are with young." Isaiah 40:11b

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Does it Really Work?

Okay, ladies. First of all, I am struggling with a terrible head cold, that my loving husband gifted me with this week. I just took a dose of nighttime cold medicine, so I'm going to try to make this fast. If you read this tomorrow, and it sounds like I was drunk, then that means I kept writing much longer than I should have.

...or you may just think that anyway because it perhaps would be an easier explanation than believing what I have to share. :)

A reader asked last night, in regards to submission, "What if your husband makes poor choices...?"

Oh, man! Does anyone else's husband make poor choices? Feel free to raise your hand because we can't see each other. We can just identify with each other in spirit and confess to God our disappointment and hurt. It is downright painful. Honestly, I'm wondering if I can really list anything more painful than being a woman of God that wants to see her family following the Lord, but feels like the head of the house is simply not able to lead. It is an awful feeling to feel trapped, almost like God put a cap on your potential, by asking you to submit to a husband that is leading your whole family in what seems to be a horrible direction.

There is so much I'd like to share tonight, and I'm sure we will get to much of it over time...but I feel myself getting woozy. But here are a couple of things I'll say really quick:

  1. God takes care of the wife who obeys His Word, even when her husband does not.

  2. We are not excused to throw out this passage, when our husbands throw out others.

  3. Our goal cannot be to "fix" our family - because, again, we can only do our part. We can't do God's part, and we can't do our husband's part.

  4. Our goal can not be about making life "work" here. Our goal has to be to be who God wants us to be here, whether life works or not - because we are living for eternity.

  5. No matter how irrational God's plan seems, there isn't a better one. There really isn't a different way to do it and get better results.

I wish I had a couple of hours to just sit with everyone of you hurting over something like this tonight. I'd love to enjoy some coffee with you (or some Theraflu, LOL!) I'd love to pray with you and share with you, because I've been there.

...and because I've been there, I know God is faithful.

I really am praying for you, and if you want me to include your name in my prayers, shoot me an e-mail at thosewithyoung@roadrunner.com.

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