"...Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior." Ephesians 5:23b
Yes, I realize I'm skipping parts...well, I won't really "skip" them, but we are putting them on temporary hold.
Sometimes I stand back in amazement of the way God can transform a heart, ya know? I can't even believe how much the perspective in my heart has changed in the last two or three years in regards to authority and submission.
I don't know if this applies to you or not, but perhaps one of the biggest scars that need healing on the hearts of women are the result of the misuse of authority in their life. It is the scar of people creating more rules for God that confuses a heart between what is true and what is not. It is the scar of manipulation that causes a freedom seeker to resist any authority at all and the submissive one to pick their own captivities.
As I was thinking over this passage today, I was thinking about how women don't really struggle with submitting to our husbands as much as we just struggle with submission in general. So many problems in the church start with women.They start with our tongues, our manipulation, our need for control, our petty jealousies, and our emotional hyper-sensitivities.
Why? There is probably more than one reason. But so much of the time, it boils down to the fact that we make church about "me." We forget who is in charge and who's church it is. We forget who's kingdom is being built. We forget HE is the Savior. I mean, after all, could the church go on if it weren't for all we do for it?
With the kids: Consider, as we dig into these verses, making a diagram for your kids. Maybe you can tack it up to the wall for a few days. It can be really simple. You can start with this simple concept today. Who is on top? Christ. Who is under Christ? The church.
Memorizing: "Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord." Ephesians 5:22
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